M1 Construction Gold Coast Creates 179 Jobs


Gold Coast, M1, media release, queensland, Queensland Government,


Hundreds Of Jobs In Gear As M1 Construction for the Gold Coast Ramp Up

Another 179 jobs are on the cards for the M1 Construction Gold Coast with shovels hitting the ground on the next upgrade as part of the Government’s $2.3 billion M1 upgrades.

M1 Construction has started on the Exit 41 upgrade in the city’s northern suburb of Yatala, which is home to emerging industrial precincts and communities, and follows the completion this month of the $25 million Exit 57 upgrade at Oxenford plus the commitment of $10 million to upgrade Exit 45.

A new bridge would be built over the M1 while the existing roundabout would be transformed into signalised intersections, busting congestion and creating close to 180 jobs as the Government continues Queensland’s plan for economic recovery.

“Almost one million people will call the Gold Coast home by 2041, and it’s crucial that our road and transport system is ready for that boom, and that we’re creating the jobs for the people that move here,” Mr Bailey said.

“Queenslanders have stepped when it comes to managing the health impacts of COVID-19, and thanks to their ongoing response the Government has been able to continue delivering Queensland’s plan for economic recovery.

“For the Gold Coast that means we’ve been able to complete Exit 57, start building a $1 billion M1 upgrade to the border, lock in $755 million to build a second M1 and upgrade those interchanges in the northern suburbs where that growth is expected.

“Gold Coasters saw Deb Frecklington and the LNP call on the borders to open 64 times, which could’ve risked a second wave and thousands of jobs, the economy and major projects on our roads on the chopping block.

“Gold Coasters have also seen what happens when road investment doesn’t keep up with population growth when the LNP, Campbell Newman and his Assistant Minister Deb Frecklington didn’t spend a single new dollar on the M1 – you can’t trust them.

Mr Bailey said the $96.3 million Exit 41 upgrade would avoid traffic queuing on the M1 with new on and off-ramps to be built and additional lanes on Cuthbert Drive.

“One of the outcomes of the Northern Gold Coast Mobility Study we conducted earlier this year identified that active transport was huge ask from residents, so we’ll be maximising the upgrade by building new shared paths to connect both sides.

“There’s a record investment in roads and transport going into the Gold Coast with $2.3 billion in M1 upgrades, three new stations being built as part of Cross River Rail and works already underway on light rail all the way to Burleigh, with a business case to take it to Coolangatta via the airport.

“Contrast that to the LNP who cut roads funding by $1.6 billion and sacked hundreds of Gold Coasters when Campbell Newman was Premier and Deb Frecklington was his Assistant Minister.

“What’s clear is that, only the Government has a plan for economic recovery, to create jobs and accommodate growth in Australia’s sixth largest city, and that the LNP will once again cut, sack and sell to fund their promises – it’s in their DNA.”

Construction on the Exit 41 upgrade is expected to be complete by 2022.


Friday 2nd October 2020 – Media Release

Source: Queensland Government

View the Media Release here

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BPICs queensland

Queensland announces BPICs pause


The Queensland Government has announced a pause on the use of Best Practice Industry Conditions (BPICs) on new government funded construction.

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