Final major $1.63b tunnelling contract awarded for the Sydney Metro West project

CPB, Ghella, john holland, sydney, Sydney Metro West,


John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella JV awarded the $1.63b Eastern tunnelling contract to deliver 3.5km of metro rail tunnels between The Bays and Hunter Street in Sydney CBD.

This is the third and final major tunnelling package awarded on the Sydney Metro West project and is the last piece in the tunnelling puzzle to build the 24-kilometre metro rail tunnels from Westmead to the Sydney CBD.

The Eastern Tunnelling contract includes the following: 

  • 3.5-kilometre tunnels from The Bays to the Sydney CBD; 
  • A tunnel boring machine (TBM) launch site at The Bays with two TBMs launched towards Hunter Street; 
  • A turnback cavern to the east of the new Hunter Street Station, allowing trains to turn around before travelling back towards Parramatta;  
  • Excavation and civil works for two new cavern stations at Pyrmont and Hunter Street in Sydney CBD; 
  • More than 8,000 segments to line the tunnels.  

Preparations for tunnelling on this final section of the line will start next year, with 2023 gearing up as the year of tunnelling for Sydney Metro West. Work is already underway to prepare for the construction of the twin tunnels between The Bays and Sydney Olympic Park and between Sydney Olympic Park and Westmead. Tunnel boring machines are expected to start work in early 2023.

Sydney Metro West will create more than 10,000 direct new jobs and 70,000 indirect jobs. A broad range of skills will be required to build these tunnels, including tunnellers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, concrete workers, truck drivers, labourers and security guards. 

Source: © Sydney Metro 2022

Image source: © Sydney Metro 2022

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