Submissions open for NAWIC NSW Women’s Executive Leadership Scholarship


NAWIC, NSW, scholarship, women in construction, women in engineering,


NAWIC NSW Women’s Executive Leadership Scholarship is now open for submission, with applications to close on 28th April 2023, and the winner to be announced on August 2023.

The number of women in Executive and C-Suite positions within the construction industry continues to be unbalanced. Without women in these roles, having a seat at the table and sharing their perspectives and experience, the ability for the industry to be truly inclusive and equitable will be limited.

The NAWIC NSW Women’s Executive Leadership Scholarship seeks to recognise those that have made an impact within the construction and building industry and demonstrated potential for future achievement and leadership.

By equipping women with the business acumen and leadership skills to face the challenges of a volatile, complex, and uncertain environment, NAWIC NSW will cover the cost of tuition fees, travel allowance, and other related costs for the recipient to use towards an executive leadership program of their choice to the value of $30,000.

NAWIC NSW acknowledges this scholarship would not be possible without our generous sponsors, and thank Lendlease and Cult Studio for generously funding this scholarship through the NAWIC NSW Awards for Excellence auction in 2022. Cult’s longstanding relationship with NAWIC NSW, together with Lendlease’s continuing support at the NSW Awards, have helped bring this new scholarship to life that will see the development of an alumnus of women who will be visible role models for future generations.

Important details:
The Scholarship will be awarded to the successful applicant in the following calendar year from which the NAWIC NSW Awards for Excellence was held, i.e. 2022 Auction funds will form the scholarship awarded in 2023. The successful recipient will be announced at the NAWIC NSW Winners Series Breakfast, in or around August each year. The NAWIC NSW Winners Series Breakfast will be hosted by the company who has the winning bid at the awards auction the previous year.

The scholarship will be open to female senior management who may currently lead a key part of their organisations or may being planning to or have recently established their own business within the construction and building industry. The applicant must:

  • Be a current member of NAWIC for the 2022/2023 financial year at the time of submission
  • Hold a senior management position (i.e. functional lead, regional lead, project director, construction/site manager) in the construction and property industry
  • Be an experienced leader, on track to leading an organisation or significant business unit/function, or looking to establish a new business, with five (5) or more years’ experience in managing a team
  • Management experience demonstrated by profit and loss management, strategic planning, or people leadership
  • Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident who resides and works within NSW
  • Applicants will be responsible to ensure that the eligibility criteria of the select institution can be met
  • Applicants must choose a course that completes within 18 months after the scholarship is awarded
  • The recipient will be required to share her experience and speak at NAWIC events as part of the Executive Scholarship alumni

The applicant will be asked to provide and demonstrate the following:

  • 300-word exec summary of submission
  • Outline of the intended use of the funds, including name of educational institution and course name, other costs associated with their attendance at the course (i.e. travel costs, childcare) – 300 word limit
  • A five-year career plan which outlines their career goals and how the identified training will help them achieve their goals – 1 A4 Page attachment
  • Demonstrated history of developing/leading staff in their organisation(s) and/or a plan to support the growth of staff within their organisation in the future – 500 word limit
  • A letter of recommendation and endorsement from their employer outlining their suitability for the training and support of the individual applying – 1 A4 page attachment
  • A character reference from outside of their organisation and from someone who is not related to the applicant outlining their suitability for the training – 1 A4 page attachment
  • Leadership potential (via an admissions interview) – 30 minute interviews will take place from 29 May
  • Career progress (CV and references) – maximum 3 A4 page attachment

Potential Courses (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Harvard Business School – Leadership Development
  • Stanford School of Business: Executive Program in Leadership
  • McKinsey Executive Leadership Program
  • IESE Business School – MBA
  • HEC Paris
  • Kellogg School of Management at North-western University: Women’s Senior Leadership Program

Key dates:
Applications Open: 15 February 2023
Applications Close: 28 April 2023
Winner Announcement: August 2023

Source: © 2021 The National Association of Women in Construction (Australia)

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