Construction begins for the $225m Molonglo River Bridge project in ACT

ACT, BMD, Molonglo River Bridge,


Construction works for the $225m Molonglo River Bridge project are now underway to better connect the suburbs of Molonglo and West Belconnen to the rest of Canberra.

The Australian and ACT governments have announced the Molonglo River Bridge is another step closer with construction underway on the first stage of works.

The construction of the Molonglo River Bridge and completion of John Gorton Drive will transform the Molonglo region and better connect the northern suburbs of Molonglo, including Whitlam, to the rest of the Molonglo Valley.

A 200-metre-long bridge will be built across the Molonglo Nature Reserve and the region’s largest river.

As well, 1.7 kilometres of new arterial roads leading to the bridge and two new intersections will be built.

This will provide access to the future Molonglo Group Centre from the suburb of Whitlam and future northern Molonglo Valley suburbs.

The project also includes important active travel links with off-road shared paths and a pedestrian underpass to encourage more Canberrans to ride or walk to get to their destination.

“The Australian Government understands the importance of investing in infrastructure that supports growing populations, reduces congestion and improves travel times,” says Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King.

“This project will provide a major economic stimulus to the Canberra region, including an estimated 560 jobs to be created during the detailed design and construction phases,” says Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King.

Public transport has also been a strong consideration with the road network capable of supporting a future light rail connection.

“The project is creating more than 500 jobs during design and construction and it will improve safety on our roads whilst providing a reliable connection for Canberrans who currently travel through Coppins Crossing to Woden and West Belconnen,” says ACT Minister for City Services Tara Cheyne.

“Molonglo residents have been very vocal in their support of this project and I am sure they will be excited to see construction activities underway on site, knowing we are a step closer to delivering the necessary infrastructure this region needs,” says ACT Minister for City Services Tara Cheyne.

“We will work with the contractor to ensure Coppins Crossing remains open as much as possible as the built is being built. I look forward to keeping the community updated and sharing more information about the construction programming as works continue,” says ACT Minister for City Services Tara Cheyne.

However, in the meantime two new bus stops will be built and two queue-jump bus lanes, paving the way for expanded rapid services in this growing region.

“As our population grows, we’re building the right infrastructure our growing city needs, across roads, rail and active travel projects, to make sure the Canberra of the 2030s stays one of the world’s most liveable cities,” says ACT Minister for Transport Chris Steel.

“This investment isn’t just focused on building a new bridge over the Molonglo River, we are also constructing the lead-in roads and intersections that link in with the new suburb of Molonglo which will be the region’s commercial centre,” says ACT Minister for Transport Chris Steel.

Significantly, this project is delivering provision of habitat for native fauna such as platypus nesting sites, pink-tailed worm lizards, water birds and bats.

“The Australian Government is pleased to be partnering with the ACT Government to build the infrastructure our growing national capital needs with construction starting on this new bridge which will serve this fast-growing part of Canberra for years to come,” says Federal Member for Bean David Smith.

“This critical project provides a long-lasting, safe, smooth and reliable link from the recently developed Molonglo region to the rest of Canberra, not only for regular traffic but for heavy vehicles which the original Coppins Crossing wasn’t designed for,” says Federal Member for Bean David Smith.

The project teams for this project and the future Molonglo Group Centre are working closely to ensure both projects deliver the infrastructure this region needs both in transport and suburban life. The first stage of works to be completed are the enabling works and realignment of the northern approach road to Coppins Crossing.

This is necessary to ensure access for construction vehicles and machinery to the location where the new bridge will be built and to minimise disruption to road users during the construction period.

Construction on the main package of works will begin following this first stage of works with the bridge and road approaches expected to open to traffic by the end of 2025.

This project is jointly funded by the Australian and ACT governments with the total project budget sitting at $225 million.

BMD Constructions awarded $172m Molonglo River Bridge contract in Canberra

Click here to see more details on this project.

Source: © Commonwealth of Australia

Image source: © 2024 BMD GROUP

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