Feedback sought for Coffs Harbour bypass design and landscape plan

Coffs Harbour Bypass

Coffs Harbour Bypass, NSW, transport for NSW,


The community have been invited to provide feedback after Transport for NSW releases the design and landscape plan for the Coffs Harbour bypass project in NSW.

As work on the Coffs Harbour bypass hits full speed, the community is being invited to provide feedback on the project’s draft Place Design and Landscape plan.

A Transport for NSW spokesperson said the plan described the urban, architectural and landscape design proposals for the completed joint Australian and NSW government-funded bypass.

“On completion, the 14-kilometre Coffs Harbour bypass will save motorists up to 12 minutes of travel time and let them bypass up to 12 sets of traffic lights,” the spokesperson said.

“This development will improve safety, travel times and livability in Coffs Harbour, but we also want it to be a project the people of Coffs are proud of.

“That’s why we’re asking for their feedback on the draft Place Design and Landscape plan, which is now out for community consultation.

“A concept of ‘Mountains to the Sea’ has been adopted for the draft plan, and it reflects the unique setting of the bypass where the new Pacific Motorway will sit between, and offer views of, the Great Dividing Range and the Pacific Ocean.”

The draft plan has been prepared to complement the visual attributes of three distinct character zones along the bypass route:  

  • Korora Basin: the northern section of the corridor skirts the ridge line and runs through the highly constrained resorts district where topography, biodiversity, community and tourism all intersect.
  • Coffs Harbour Basin: the central section of the corridor is visually prominent, interfacing with urban development in the flatlands and the foothills of the escarpment.
  • Boambee Basin: the southern section of the corridor is a key biodiversity corridor where the alignment is built up through the flats and undulating landscape.

People can provide their feedback by emailing [email protected] or via an online feedback form here. The consultation closes on 22 December 2023.

Source: © Transport for NSW 2023

Image Source: © Roads and Maritime Services 2023

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