$220m Epping Bridge project concept design and early tender awarded

Epping bridge, NSW, sydney,


The concept design and early delivery work tender have been awarded for the $220m Epping Bridge project upgrade in New South Wales.

The $220 million upgrade of Epping Bridge is another step closer today, with the tender awarded for key early delivery activities on the project.

The project is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments – each committing $110 million – to ease congestion, reduce travel times and improve safety for all road users.

“The new bridge will cater for future traffic growth while easing existing traffic congestion experienced in the area by motorists,” says Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King.

“The Australian Government is pleased to be teaming up with the New South Wales Government to deliver this project, which addresses a well-known traffic bottleneck and ensures safety for motorists and pedestrians into the future,” says Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King.

“Epping is going to grow by at least 25 per cent over the next 20 years, and we’ve already seen increases in the population and new homes over the past five years,” says NSW Transport Minister Jo Haylen.

“Epping Bridge spans the Northern Railway line, connecting to Beecroft Road and Carlingford Road. But this isn’t just a road upgrade, it’s about maintaining our rail infrastructure and supporting growing the communities in our suburbs,” says NSW Transport Minister Jo Haylen.

The proposed new bridge will allow fn additional westbound lane and right-turn lane southbound onto Blaxland Road to improve traffic flow and safety.

There will also be a widening of the eastbound and westbound lanes as well as the pedestrian and bicycle shared path. New safety screens will be installed on the bridge.

“Key benefits of this project include increasing road capacity with wider lanes while delivering a new central median, wider footpath and new safety screens,” says NSW Roads Minister John Graham.

“This upgrade will improve access, enhance transport links and reduce maintenance costs as part of the wider Epping Town Centre Urban Activation Plan,” says NSW Roads Minister John Graham.

The project complements the road and intersection upgrades completed by Transport for New South Wales in 2018 to alleviate traffic congestion in the Epping town centre.  

Click here for further information on the project.

Source: © Commonwealth of Australia 2023

Image source: © Transport for NSW 2023

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