freeways upgrade, Great Western Highway, infrastructure australia, NSW, Singleton Bypass, Victoria,
Infrastructure Australia has released its independent evaluation of the business cases for nine proposals in line with the Infrastructure Australia Assessment Framework.
New South Wales
Great Western Highway Upgrade Program: Katoomba to Lithgow – East and West Sections
Upgrades to the East and West sections of the Great Western Highway are the first stage of the proposed Great Western Highway Upgrade Program. This program stage offers upgrades between Katoomba, Blackheath, Little Hartley, and Lithgow. Planning and design for the Central section, between Blackheath and Little Hartley, is continuing and will be the subject of a separate business case.
This proposal recommends upgrades to the East and West sections, including:
- New alignment for a four-lane divided carriageway
- Upgrades to intersections
- Provision of heavy vehicle rest areas
- Improvements in active and public transport
- Landscape treatments
- Railway station upgrades
The proposal responds to the existing Early-stage (Stage 1) listing on the Infrastructure Priority List for Great Western Highway improvements: Katoomba to Lithgow.
The Australian Government has committed $2.03 billion to the East and West sections.
Click here to read more about the Great Western Highway project.
Singleton Bypass
The New England Highway is part of the inland Sydney to Brisbane National Land Transport Network and currently carries 26,000 vehicles daily, including more than 3,700 heavy vehicles.
The project involves building a new section of highway west of Singleton across the floodplain, starting near Newington Lane and re-joining the New England Highway north of McDougalls Hill.
The proposal seeks to address existing congestion and concerns over network capacity, efficiency and safety of the road users along the New England Highway and in Singleton.
The Australian Government has committed $560 million, and the NSW Government $140 million to build the Singleton Bypass.
Click here to read more about the Singleton Bypass project.
Logan Gold Coast Faster Rail: Kuraby to Beenleigh
The Brisbane to Gold Coast rail line connects Gold Coast City and Logan City with the Brisbane CBD. Transport demand between Brisbane and the Gold Coast is growing rapidly, fuelled by sustained population and economic growth in South East Queensland. The Kuraby to Beenleigh rail section comprises approximately 18.7 kilometres of double-track railway and caters for a mix of express services between Brisbane and the Gold Coast and all-stops passenger services between Brisbane and Beenleigh.
The proposal includes doubling the rail tracks between Kuraby and Beenleigh from two to four, modernised rail systems, seven train station upgrades and road access, a new stabling facility, five-level crossing removals and a dedicated active transport facility along the corridor.
This proposal responds to the existing Gold Coast rail line and station improvements: Kuraby to Beenleigh Stage 1 Early-stage Proposal on the Infrastructure Priority List.
The Australian and Queensland Governments have committed $178.10 million each in funding, for a total of $356.2 million for pre-construction activities.
Click here to read more about the Logan Gold Coast Faster Rail project.
Dorset Road Extension
The Dorset Road Extension involves 3km of new road construction, new and upgraded intersections, bus priority infrastructure and active transport facilities.
The proposal is expected to improve accessibility and reduce congestion and delays, and aims to achieve the following benefits for road users and the community:
- Improved transport network efficiency
- Improved community satisfaction
- Improved road safety for all users
The Australian Government has committed $80 million to this proposal via the Urban Congestion Fund.
Click here to read more about the Dorset Road Extension project.
Napoleon Roads Upgrade
The Napoleon Road Upgrade involves 2.7km of road duplication, new and upgraded intersections, bus priority infrastructure and active transport facilities on both sides of Napoleon Road.
The proposal is expected to reduce congestion and improve access by increasing capacity on Napoleon Road. It also aims to achieve the following benefits for road users and the community:
- Improved transport network efficiency
- Improved road safety for all users
- More active and inclusive communities
The Australian Government has committed $50 million to this proposal via the Urban Congestion Fund.
Click here to read more about the Napoleon Roads Upgrade project.
The Dorset Road Extension and the Napoleon Road Upgrade proposals in Victoria were also not endorsed for inclusion on the Priority List. These proposals intersect, but the business cases consider them separately. Infrastructure Australia recommends that they are assessed as a single proposal to maximise benefits and minimise costs/risks.
Monash Roads Upgrade
The Monash Roads Upgrade involves upgrading two intersections at Clyde Road / Kangan Drive and Clyde Road / Monash Freeway. It includes widening the bridge over the Monash Freeway and providing active transport facilities.
The proposal aims to achieve the following benefits for road users and the community:
- Improved transport network efficiency
- Improved business and industry attractiveness
- Improved road safety for all road users
The Australian Government has provided this project a total funding commitment of $250 million.
Click here to read more about the Monash Roads Upgrade.
Melbourne Airport Rail
Melbourne Airport connects people from across Australia and the world to Victoria, and as a key conduit for economic activity, efficient transport connections to the airport precinct are critical. This proposal aims to improve transport connections by providing a reliable public transport option for Victorians and visitors to the State and an alternative to road-based transport.
The proposed route for Melbourne Airport Rail services will stop at Sunshine Station, becoming a key transport interchange for metropolitan and regional passengers between Melbourne Airport Rail and other modes of transportation.
The proposal aims to:
- deliver a faster and more reliable journey to Melbourne Airport via public transport in peak periods
- significantly increase public transport patronage
- reduce vehicle volumes on the Tullamarine Freeway
- provide congestion relief and improved travel speeds across the road network
Infrastructure Australia’s evaluation found that the strategic need for Melbourne Airport Rail is strong, and the proposal will offer long-term benefits. However, it is recommended that further consideration be given to the timing of delivery to maximise economic and community benefits. Therefore, this proposal has not progressed on the Infrastructure Priority List.
Click here to read more about the Melbourne Airport Rail project.
Western Australia
Mitchell and Kwinana Freeways Upgrade
Phase two and three of the Transforming Perth Freeways Strategic Program addresses critical problems facing Perth’s north-south corridor (Mitchell and Kwinana Freeways and Joondalup and Mandurah rail lines) through a package of transport interventions.
The proposal includes the following:
- Implementation of Smart Freeway technology on Mitchell and Kwinana Freeways
- Road optimisation in the CBD area
- Additional southbound lanes on Mitchell and Kwinana Freeways and in new lanes in both directions within the CBD
- Upgrades to Stirling Station
- Provision of active transport along Mitchell Freeway and around the CBD
- Behavioural change program to balance travel demand across several modes of transport
The proposal responds to an existing listing on the Infrastructure Priority List; Mitchell and Kwinana freeways upgrade.
The Australian Government has committed $70 million to the proposal.
Click here to read more about the Mitchell and Kwinana Freeways Upgrade.
Click here to read more about the Infrastructure Australia Assessment Framework.
Source: © Copyright, Commonwealth of Australia
Image Source: © State Government of Victoria, Australia 2022
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