ACT, Canberra, Monaro Highway,
Construction works for the Monaro Highway project in South Canberra are now underway, delivering significant safety improvements to reduce congestion.
The Australian and ACT governments have today announced the construction of major upgrades is underway along the Monaro Highway, south of Canberra.
The upgrades to the Monaro Highway corridor are jointly funded by the Australian and ACT governments, with each committing $115.25 million towards the $230.5 million project.
Work on the new Lanyon Drive Interchange has begun which will deliver significant safety improvements as well as reduce congestion.
This consists of a southbound flyover for the highway over Lanyon Drive as well as three intersection upgrades including:
- The removal of traffic lights at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (intersection of the Monaro Highway and David Warren Road
- A new roundabout at the intersection of the new Monaro Highway southbound off-ramp and David Warren Road extension
- Upgrading the signalised intersection at Lanyon Drive and Sheppard Street to include a direct connection to David Warren Road and the Monaro Highway southbound off-ramp
A further benefit of this design is the minimal impact it will have on existing native vegetation in the area.
“The Australian Government understands the importance of investing in infrastructure that supports growing populations, reduces congestion and improves travel times,” says Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King.
“This project will provide a major economic stimulus to the Canberra region including an estimated 700 jobs being created during the detailed design and construction phases,” says Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King.
“Projects like this are important to not only keep people employed and local businesses running, but also to provide the Canberra community with better infrastructure and safer roads into the future,” says Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King.
The landscaping plans are being finalised and will focus on local and native species, prioritising tree planting, water sensitive urban design and biodiversity conservation.
Significant utility works began in January 2022 with works completed to relocate and protect major water mains and telecommunication networks.
Preliminary design is also underway on future interchanges at the Hume industrial precinct and Isabella Drive.
“The ACT Government is building the infrastructure our growing city needs with construction now starting to deliver significant safety upgrades along the Monaro Highway,” says ACT Minister for City Services Tara Cheyne.
“Following the completion of utility works, local ACT company, Woden Contractors, will now deliver the new southbound flyover for the Monaro Highway over Lanyon Drive,” says ACT Minister for City Services Tara Cheyne.
“Our investment in projects like this support not only our growing population, but also improves safety and efficiency across our road network whilst subsequently supporting jobs and our economy,” says ACT Minister for City Services Tara Cheyne.
“These upgrades are creating around 700 jobs during design and construction and support safe and efficient movement of people and freight around southern ACT and NSW,” says ACT Minister for City Services Tara Cheyne.
The relocation of two gas mains, underway since October 2023, is now also complete.
Early preparatory works, involving site clearing and earthworks, started last month with large machinery, including excavators and trucks.
There will be impacts to travel times during construction, including during peak periods, with reduced speed limits and temporary lane closures expected.
“It’s good to see construction has started on this important project, after a much needed upgrade that will benefit Tuggeranong and the surrounding region in bordering NSW,” says Federal Member for Bean David Smith.
“Both governments will continue to work together across the community and look forward to seeing more work get underway,” says Federal Member for Bean David Smith.
Motorists are encouraged to rethink their travel plans where possible and consider taking public transport or travelling outside peak times where possible.
Construction is expected to take about three years to complete.
The Lanyon Drive Interchange is the first of three interchanges planned for the Monaro Highway.
Click here for more details on this project.
Source: © Commonwealth of Australia
Image Source: © Transport for NSW 2024
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