Plans underway to tackle Moorebank Avenue/M5 Motorway interchange congestion

M5, moorebank avenue, NSW, road construction,


A redesign is being implemented to help deliver better traffic flow and safety while the Moorebank Intermodal and surroundings precincts grow.

Plans are underway for a major upgrade of the Moorebank Avenue/M5 interchange to deliver better traffic flow and safety.

The project would also cater for increased freight movements as the Moorebank Intermodal, and surrounding precincts grow. 

While the M5/Moorebank Avenue interchange will always be a busy location, Transport for NSW is undertaking a redesign to help alleviate the pinch point and cater for future freight growth.

The proposed two-lane westbound M5 Motorway exit for Hume Highway traffic will see a new underpass beneath Moorebank Avenue and a two-lane 290-metre-long bridge over the Georges River, Southern Sydney Freight, and Main Southern Passenger Rail Line.

Heading east on the M5, Transport for NSW proposes an upgrade to the exit to Moorebank Avenue. In contrast, a new dedicated exit will be constructed for westbound traffic wanting to connect with the Hume Highway, complete with active transport infrastructure.

This improvement will provide a better design to help separate freight vehicles exiting Liverpool through traffic.

Meanwhile, other widening and reinstatement works will support the upgrade. Transport for NSW proposes six separate worksites being operated concurrently to complete the project over 40 months once construction commences.

This will help ease congestion and deliver better infrastructure for the local area at an intersection that currently services more than 3800 vehicles per hour at peak.

Around 400 people are expected to be employed directly and indirectly for the project duration.

Feedback for the proposed upgrade can be given until midnight on Sunday, September 25. People are encouraged to view the environmental impact assessment of the proposal and leave feedback at NSW roads. work/m5motorwaywestbound.

Source: © Transport for NSW 2022

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