Newell Highway, Parkes Bypass,
The biggest roundabout in central west New South Wales will be built on Condobolin road as a key feature of the Parkes Bypass.
The Newell Highway bypass of Parkes has been in planning for decades to alleviate the constant flow of heavy freight vehicles and visitor traffic passing through the town.
The Australian Government is contributing $229.7 million to the $287.2 million project, with the remaining contribution being made by the NSW Government.
The project is part of the $1.5 billion investment from the Australian and NSW governments into the Newell Highway Corridor, with the Australian Government committing $1.1 billion.
Parkes Bypass New Priority Project
Construction work to build the new 98-metre-diameter roundabout will start during the July school holidays.
The large roundabout – which will allow motorists to travel at 80 km/h – will also feature a large sculpture in its centre, which has been designed in collaboration with Parkes Shire Council.
Motorists will be detoured around the site during work.
For further information on the Parkes Bypass visit
Georgiou is delivering the $115 million Newell Highway Upgrade – Parkes Bypass project.
Source: Transport for NSW
Source: © Copyright, Commonwealth of Australia
Fulton Hogan begins construction work for $261m Newell Highway
First major work starts with intersection upgrades and new overtaking lanes for the largest pavement upgrade of the Newell Highway.