New system to build better infrastructure faster for New Zealand

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The new resource management system for New Zealand will build better infrastructure quicker, boosting the overall economic growth.

Making the Resource Management process quicker, cheaper and better will help boost New Zealand’s economic growth.

“The cost and time it takes to get a resource consent for infrastructure projects has grown significantly in recent years, with smaller projects being disproportionately affected,” says New Zealand Minister for Infrastructure Grant Robertson.

Infrastructure developers collectively pay about $1.29 billion yearly on consent processes, amounting to an average of 5.5 percent of total project costs.

“That puts New Zealand at the extreme end compared with the UK and the EU, where consenting costs were between 0.1 percent and 5 percent of total project costs,” says New Zealand Minister for Infrastructure Grant Robertson.

The Infrastructure Commission Te Waihanga estimates costs related to resource consents increased by 70 percent from 2014 to 2019. The time taken to make consent decisions for infrastructure projects has increased by up to 150 percent over the same period.

“The new resource management system will deliver economic benefits by saving people time and money getting resource consents and projects underway. It will also balance this with better environmental protection,” says New Zealand Minister for Infrastructure Grant Robertson.

The new system will create standards associated with housing and infrastructure contained in the National Planning Framework and local planning documents that often require consent. These “off-the-shelf” options will do away with bespoke specifications for each project.

A process similar to the fast-track process, put in place in response to the economic impact of COVID-19 and which reduced the consenting time by an average of 15 months per project, will be retained.

“Less money will be spent on consents, and spatial planning will help communities, developers, councils, and central government agencies build much needed infrastructure projects,” says New Zealand Minister for Infrastructure Grant Robertson.

Source: © Crown copyright | © NZ Government

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