gender equality, new south wales, Return to Work Pathways Program, women in construction, women in engineering,
Organisations with projects that empower women can now apply for funding to implement tailored programs, as part of the new $2 million Return to Work Pathways Program.
Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor said funding for the Return to Work Pathways Program builds on, and complements, the successful Return to Work Program, which has already supported more than 3,700 women to enter or return to the workforce.
“The Return to Work Pathways Program funds organisations to deliver tailored wraparound supports to women experiencing enduring and complex barriers to employment, and connects women to the services, training and employment opportunities they need to thrive,” says Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor.
“This is a real opportunity to build confidence and financial independence of women who need it most,” says Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor.
Treasurer Matt Kean said the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is committed to ensuring that women who want to work receive the support they need to enter the workforce,” says Treasurer Matt Kean.
“This new Return to Work Pathways Program is part of the commitment made by the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government in the 2022-23 Budget to invest $16.5 billion over 10 years to level the playing field for women,” says Treasurer Matt Kean.
“NSW currently has the lowest unemployment rate in the country at 3.1 per cent, in January 2023, and our women’s economic participation rate remains near record highs. But there are women who face barriers and this program will be tailored to those women who need it most,” says Treasurer Matt Kean.
Organisations will be able to apply for funding from $100,000 to $250,000 depending on the project model, the number of participants to be supported, and the level and intensity of services and supports provided to participants.
Funding applications open on Wednesday, 1 March 2023 and close on Tuesday, 11 April 2023.
The Return to Work Pathways Program aligns with the NSW Women’s Strategy 2023-2026 which fosters economic opportunity and advancement; health and wellbeing; and participation and empowerment for women and girls.
Click here for more information and details on how to apply.
Source: © State of New South Wales
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