Q&A with Get Kids into Survey

Get Kids into Survey

Get Kids into Survey, surveying, surveyors,


Get Kids into Survey – Encouraging children to delve into the world of surveying.

There is a significant shortage of surveying and geospatial professionals in Australia. According to the most recent BIS Oxford Economics report, Australian employers are struggling to find qualified staff and will experience a capability shortfall until 2023 with an average shortfall of 505 surveyors and spatial scientists each year.

With Australia investing in infrastructure at an unprecedented scale ($110 billion over ten years), it is imperative that we expose more young people to the possibility of a surveying career.

Organizations like Get Kids into Survey do exactly that!

Developed in the UK, they provide free and fun educational resources to show children how STEM subjects are vital to the world we live in and what surveying and geospatial scientists do. 

Today we chat with the Get Kids into Survey team about the wonderful work they do and how professional surveyors, teachers and parents can help get kids into survey!

How did you come up with the idea for Get Kids into Survey?

Get Kids into Survey (GKiS) was set up by Elaine Ball Ltd in 2017. Elaine runs a technical marketing consultancy specialising in the geospatial industry. In October 2017, Elaine was asked to provide material for some free packs to be given out at The Survey Association (TSA) conference in the United Kingdom. Instead of creating some promotional material about her marketing workshops, Elaine thought it would be more fun and rewarding to do something good for the industry.

And so, with help from some of her friends in the industry to provide support for the cost of artwork and printing, Elaine created a poster for the surveyors attending the conference that they could take home to their kids. Through the poster the surveyors could teach their kids what they do at work thus also combating the recruitment issue we face in the industry. It was a huge success!

What are the main goals of your organization?

GKiS is on a global mission: to get children and young people interested in a career in surveying.

Schools do not teach children how maps are made, or how buildings or transport corridors are constructed, so they do not know that surveying exists or how it would translate into a day-to-day job. That is why GKiS have developed a colourful series of cartoon-led posters showing all sorts of different surveying activities happening in busy and exciting environments.

Do you think society underestimates the role Surveyors play in shaping the world we live in?

Considering not many people even know what a surveyor is, in short, the answer is yes.

Geospatial data is used everywhere, in so many aspects of our life, from sat navs, maps and even looking up the weather forecast. Surveyors aid in making sure buildings are safe, boundaries are correct and to accurately measure the land (just to name a few). What proportion of society realise that surveyors help in so many aspects? This statistic would be so interesting to find out. With the world becoming more digital, the demand for workers in this industry is bound to increase, which requires a new workforce to take up these job opportunities!

What are some goals Get Kids into Survey has achieved so far?

We recently calculated that we have printed and shipped over 50,000 posters worldwide! That is a lot of people who are now aware of surveying and the geospatial industry.

Recently our first edition of the GeoSquad Comic Book was launched with a 500 copy, limited edition print run. This is so special to us because this book has been over two years in the making. To see the notes form into chapters, to then fill a whole book. Wow, that is one amazing feeling.

You are passionate about promoting the geospatial industry to primary school-aged children and have just launched a Comic Book for kids called “Geosquad.” Can you tell us a bit more about it?

What would a world without surveyors look like? We delve into the world of surveying and geospatial tech as four kids of present-day battle with the future consequences of this dying industry. This comic doesn’t just tell an exciting tale about our four heroes, but it teaches kids and parents alike the importance of the surveying industry and why it’s something we as a world nation should know more about.

This 44 Page comic book, made up of 5 chapters plus 10 action-packed activity pages, is available worldwide. There is 500 limited edition first release printed copies available, as well as an e-book, both of which are available from our online shop here

Education statistics reveal that studying surveying and spatial sciences is still very much a male-oriented activity. How do we attract more girls to this exciting and in-demand industry?

Recently we have started to see more women promoting the industry through social media. Trying to reach a wider audience through being active on multiple platforms such as podcasts, LinkedIn, Instagram, interviews with local newspapers, and speaking out about the issues at conferences within the industry itself.

We are actively encouraging women and men to go into schools and scouting groups to engage with the next generation. By doing this we hope that the kids will realise that the opportunities are open to anyone who is willing and has a passion – not restricted by background, race, or gender.

How can one become involved with Get Kids into Survey and what are the benefits?

We help geospatial experts and surveying companies raise the profile of their brand, whilst helping to educate future generations! By getting involved with us as a sponsor we will help your company be seen as the one where young people want to work, the one with great morals and corporate social responsibility! There are so many benefits including:

  • Local and international coverage of your brand – over 50K copies of our posters have been shipped all over the world, plus online copies.
  • Gain new clients through brand exposure.
  • Give something back and invest in the future of the surveying and geospatial industry.
  • Attract new talent by being the company young surveyors aspire to.
  • Revamp your brand by creating your own GKiS brand ‘mascot’
  • High profile coverage across social media platforms – Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / Instagram

And lastly, what’s next for Get Kids into Survey?

Throughout the year we have a range of upcoming posters including ‘Arctic Exploration’ and ‘A World Without surveyors’, ‘Digital Construction’ and ‘Property Development’.

Find out more about Get Kids Into Survey here

Become a Sponsor here!


What is Surveying?


Surveying is the science and practice of measuring and mapping the Earth’s surface to determine boundaries, plan construction, and analyze spatial data for various applications.

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