Queensland Government Infrastructure Maintenance


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Comprehensive strategy to unite and recover for Queensland jobs

A comprehensive and far-reaching suite of economic initiatives in partnership with the private sector will further reinvigorate the Queensland economy as it begins to emerge from the dire health threat of COVID-19.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk today announced the first stage of the state’s economic reset, The Queensland Economic Recovery Strategy: Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs, to help the State recover from COVID-19 with a focus on backing Queensland jobs.

“The way we have united in the face of an immense and unprecedented challenge has been extraordinary, and all Queenslanders have done a mighty job in beating what just 11 weeks ago were daunting odds,” the Premier said.

“The patient has been stabilised, so now it’s time to start down the road to recovery and recuperation.

“Now we must stay united, with a clear plan for this next phase – the first stage of our carefully implemented approach, which will ensure we continue to protect our health while backing Queensland jobs.

“The package of measures I am announcing today focuses on building the infrastructure we need for the future and accelerating construction projects to protect jobs now.”

“We will also help local governments to deliver projects in their communities.”

The strategy includes:

  • A rock solid determination to maintain infrastructure investment at more than $50 billion over the next four years, despite the financial challenge of supporting Queensland through the pandemic;
  • A $400 million Accelerated Works Program to deliver new road, bridge and pavement sealing works across the state;
  • A further $200 million in 2020-21 for a Works for Queensland program to support jobs and fund productive building projects; and
  • An $11.25 million expansion of the Household Resilience Program in cyclone affected areas.

“These infrastructure commitments are statewide and will help regional Queensland,” the Premier said.

Many industries and sectors across Queensland have been hit hard by the pandemic, so the economic strategy also includes initiatives to support tourism, manufacturing and international education:

  • $50 million for tourism infrastructure and more funding towards a domestic tourism campaign;
  • Redirecting $50 million of industry attraction funding under the Making it for Queensland initiative to continue to expand manufacturing capacity for PPE, hand sanitiser and medical supplies to respond to COVID-19; and
  • A $10 million support package to support international students and safeguard Queensland’s global education brand.

Building on the $1 billion of job supporting business loans already announced, the Premier also committed to additional support for small business.

“We will make $100 million available to support small businesses including Small Business Adaption Grants of up to $10,000 to support businesses through the pandemic,” she said.

The package includes several initiatives to enable growth in the energy sector and in skilling for the future:

  • $20 million for free online training which includes training in safety and hygiene standards to keep COVID-19 contained;
  • A further $14.8 million to support project development of the CopperString 2.0 project that will connect the North West Minerals Province with the national electricity market; and
  • $20 million towards construction of a Queensland Apprenticeships Centre in renewable hydrogen at Beenleigh.

The Premier said the package of measures built on $6 billion in support already committed to manage the health response, support Queensland businesses and families and protect local jobs.

“In recent weeks we have been listening to business and industry and the clear message is that Government investment needs to be directed at investment that will grow and diversify our economy into the future,” she said.

“The announcements I am making today are a direct result of engagement with industry representatives including from small business, manufacturing, tourism, mining, agriculture, hospitality, construction, housing and property.

“On the road ahead, a close partnership between the public and private sectors is absolutely vital to success.

“So I will establish a Queensland Industry Recovery Panel to ensure ongoing direct engagement with industry peak bodies.

“This is an economic framework that will create jobs by focusing on what we are good at – and by making more products here in Queensland.

“Our number one priority is backing Queensland jobs and doing it in a way that ensures we protect the good work to date that has helped us keep people healthy during the COVID19

“Queenslanders have united, we have worked together to flatten the curve and save lives, and we can take pride in the effort to stare down this invisible foe.

“We will emerge stronger, because that is what we do.”

For more information visit www.covid19.qld.gov.au

Media Release – 19th May 2020

Source: Queensland Government

BPICs queensland

Queensland announces BPICs pause


The Queensland Government has announced a pause on the use of Best Practice Industry Conditions (BPICs) on new government funded construction.

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