Review of Queensland’s wind farm developments underway

Wind Farm

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The Queensland Government has announced a review of regulatory framework for wind farms across Queensland, with an aim to build clean energy projects.

A review of the requirements for wind farm developments in Queensland is underway.

The review of the Wind Farm Code (State Code 23) and its accompanying guidelines will aim to build greater community and industry confidence in clean energy projects.

State Code 23 already includes requirements aimed at ensuring wind farms are designed and operated to minimise adverse impacts on the natural environment, ecological processes, visual amenity, air services, transport networks and noise levels.

The Wind Farm Code and accompanying guidelines will be reviewed to:

  • Better protect areas of high ecological and biodiversity value
  • Protect the Great Barrier Reef from the impact of construction
  • Identify and assess viable haulage routes upfront
  • Bring acoustic criteria into line with current best practice approaches
  • Highlight rehabilitation requirements and expectations; and
  • Require proponents to investigate the impact their construction will have on local workforces and accommodation

The State Code guideline will be amended to reflect these changes and to provide clarity on how to frame and support applications, to align with the code.

Under Queensland’s current planning laws, the State Government already assesses all wind farm applications through its State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA).

SARA has assessed and approved a number of wind farms in Queensland in recent years, but the rollout of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan means more opportunities are being presented, than ever before. 

“The Sunshine State is leading the renewable energy revolution and wind farms are helping power this transformation,” says Deputy Premier Steven Miles.

“Queensland has some of the world’s best wind resources that can be harnessed to power hundreds of thousands of homes with cleaner and cheaper energy,” says Deputy Premier Steven Miles.

“Our Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan will unlock more investment and economic growth and generate more good jobs in our regions than ever before,” says Deputy Premier Steven Miles.

“To support this progress, we need clear and predictable regulatory frameworks,” says Deputy Premier Steven Miles.

“The Palaszczuk Government committed to a review of the planning framework for renewable energy development and we are delivering on it,” says Deputy Premier Steven Miles.

“We have listened to the community, and worked with other government agencies, local councils and stakeholders to establish the issues to be addressed in the review,” says Deputy Premier Steven Miles.

“Wind farms in Queensland already undergo a thorough assessment process. This review is designed to strengthen those protections for communities and the environment, while creating certainty and clarity for industry with clearer benchmarks for managing environmental and construction impacts,” says Deputy Premier Steven Miles.

The Palaszczuk Government is committed to strengthening protections for Queensland communities even more.

“We want to strike the right balance as our clean energy transformation continues,” says Minister for Energy and Renewables Mick de Brenni.

“It’s a necessary step to build certainty and confidence of the community, industry and investors in clean energy projects,” says Minister for Energy and Renewables Mick de Brenni.

“Improving co-existence of renewable energy projects with other land uses, in particular those with strong environmental and agricultural values will benefit all parties,” says Minister for Energy and Renewables Mick de Brenni.

The proposed changes are open for community consultation on Monday 7 August and will be open until Monday 4 September.

Source: © The State of Queensland 1997–2023

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