Visions for Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) East neighbourhoods released

SRL East

SRL, Suburban Rail Loop, VIC, victoria big build,


Victoria Big Build has released draft Precinct Visions for areas around the six new Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) East Stations, as the project progresses to the next stage of planning.

Affordable housing options, close quality jobs, transport, education and healthcare ā€“ Victorians are being given a first look at what neighbourhoods around Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) East stations could look like, as the Allan Labor Governmentā€™s city-shaping project progresses to the next phase of planning.

As part of an extensive community consultation phase, draft Precinct Visions have been released for each of the areas around the six new SRL East Stations, building on important conversations with the community about the future of these neighbourhoods over the past three years.

The release of the draft visions has been accompanied by new concept images showing how the station plazas and local suburbs could evolve – with vibrant, high-quality public spaces and attractive new housing, retail and dining.

SRL will not only transform our public transport network, it will help shape how Melbourne grows in the decades ahead. The draft visions outline preliminary ideas for each local station area, including opportunities for more housing, jobs and services, and new public spaces.

SRL East from Cheltenham to Box Hill will connect key employment, health and education centres in Melbourneā€™s east and south east. Construction will create up to 8000 local jobs and is forging ahead, with works this year in Box Hill, Burwood, Glen Waverley, Monash and the stabling site in Heatherton.

ā€œWe need to build up as well as out, ensuring Victorians can afford to live where they want, close to where they work, in thriving and sustainable communities ā€“ the SRL Precincts Plans put forward a vision for how this could look, and weā€™ll keep listening to local communities as we continue the planning work,” says Suburban Rail Loop Minister Danny Pearson.

ā€œWith Melbourneā€™s population set to be the size of London by 2050, we need to move away from our traditional focus on a single CBD and evolve into a city of centres ā€“ connected places where people can access the things they need, closer to home,” says Suburban Rail Loop Minister Danny Pearson.

Crews have moved and upgraded the 109 tram stop in Box Hill, are building a tunnel boring machine (TBM) launch site at Burwood, and have shifted underground services to pave the way for construction of the tunnels and stations. TBMs will be in the ground in 2026, with trains taking passengers by 2035.

Community feedback will underpin the structure planning for Cheltenham, Clayton, Monash, Glen Waverley, Burwood and Box Hill, with online surveys, face-to-face engagement and seven specially convened Community Panels, including a Youth Panel. These will allow for on-going, in-depth and informed discussions throughout the planning process.

Residents, traders and stakeholders are encouraged to have their say by visitingĀ

Source: Ā© State Government of Victoria

Image Source: Ā© State Government of Victoria, Australia 2023

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