What you need to know if you are a Surveyor who wants to move to Australia


skilled migrants, surveying, surveyors, visas,


If you are a Surveyor interested in working and living in Australia, we have prepared some useful information regarding the process of getting your qualifications recognized.

The shortage of qualified Surveyors across Australia (in big cities and in regional or remote locations) has forced many survey organisations to seek qualified personnel from other countries. The shortage is caused by factors such as increased demand for surveying services, an aging workforce, and a lack of new talent entering the profession.

How To Get Your Overseas Surveying qualification recognised in Australia?

If you have studied outside of Australia, you must hold educational qualifications in surveying, spatial science, geospatial science or geographical information systems such as Bachelor of Surveying (Honours), Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial Science or Bachelor of Applied Science (Surveying) (Honours).

Your degree must be equivalent to an approved program of at least four years of full-time study at an Australian university. However, to find a job as a Surveyor, you do not need Australian experience.

Step 1

Assessment with Geospatial Council of Australia

This assessment is solely for your application to emigrate to Australia. The Geospatial Council of Australia is the authorised assessing authority to assess qualifications and skills for the purpose of migration to Australia under the general skilled migration categories for the occupation of Surveyor ANZSCO 232212 ONLY (ie/ applicants must hold the equivalent of an Australian bachelor degree).

The assessment is based upon the information provided to the Institute and AEI-NOOSR’s Country Educational Profiles to determine the equivalence of overseas courses. It also examines the applicant’s experience and responsibilities in carrying out their work.

You can find more information and download assessment forms here.

Regardless of which country you live in, you are required to be ‘degree’ qualified to be able to work as a Surveyor in Australia. The majority of academic institutions in Australia and New Zealand have four-year program structures for Bachelor of Surveying/Spatial Science programs and are comparable to the following degrees:

Country Qualification
UK 4 Year Survey/Mapping/Science Degree
Romania 4 Year Science/Geomatics Bachelor
Lithuania Bachelor of Measurement Engineering
Poland MSc Engineering Surveyor, University of Agriculture, Krakow
Vietnam Bachelor of Engineering – Civil Engineering (Surveying and Mapping)


Assessment with an Australian Board of Surveyors (ABS)

To work in mines or to work as a land surveyor you will require registration with ABS.  The governments of each Australian State and Territory have their own Surveyor Registration Boards and you may have to apply to one of those Boards to seek registration.

To be registered with a State or Territory Registration Board you will be required to have again your overseas qualification assessed by an independent organisation. You should be aware that you may have to undertake further study and training to gain registration with a State or Territory Registration Board.

Below are the names of Registration Boards in each Australian State:

QLD – Surveyor Board Queensland

NSW – Board of Surveying and Spatial Information

ACT – Australian Capital Territory Planning and Land Authority

SA – Surveyor Board of South Australia

VIC – Surveyor Registration Board of Victoria

WA – Land Surveyor Licensing Board of Western Australia

NT – Surveyors Board Northern Territory

TAS – Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Source: SSSI

Job Opportunities for Surveyors

We have various job opportunities for Surveyors with all levels of experience (including recent Graduates) across Australia. If you would like to be considered, please apply directly on our website or connect with our Recruiters on LinkedIn.

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