VLocity Trains One Step Closer For Warnambool
The Warrnambool Line in Victoria’s southwest will soon be welcoming VLocity trains for the first time. With stage 2 construction commencing by the end of the year, the progress will mean the much-needed upgrades to the line should be completed in late 2023.
“The Australian Government has delivered the funding needed to bring VLocity trains to Warrnambool, and we’re making sure these upgrades get underway as soon as possible for passengers,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“It’s another example of our record $110 billion investment and our commitment to ensuring the economy will continue to thrive.”
Barnaby Joyce – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
The project will upgrade:
- 50 public level crossings on the Warrnambool Line
- Improved train technology to detect when VLocity trains are approaching
- Add boom gates to 17 of these crossings to boost safety for motorists and train passengers.
Once complete, there will be no unprotected public level crossing on the line.
Passengers and communities along the line have already benefited from the addition of boom gates, bells and flashing lights at 12 level crossings as part of Stage 1 of the Warrnambool Line Upgrade, and a further 22 level crossings thanks to the Victorian Government’s Safer Country Crossings program, making journeys safer for cars, trains and pedestrians.
The stabling facility at Warrnambool Station will also be upgraded to house the longer VLocity trains, allowing them to start and finish their journey at Warrnambool.
Modern VLocity trains would deliver more comfortable and accessible journeys for passengers.
The planning and design work required to develop the project timelines is now complete, it’s time to deliver the next stage of the project and continue to provide important supplier and job opportunities to the region.
This crucial upgrade will see Victorians who use the Warrnambool line moving to their destination safely, efficiently and comfortably. It will also provide more Victorians with better access to Warrnambool and our state’s southwest, which could deliver an economic boom.
“It has been a massive engineering effort to ensure we can deliver this project as soon as possible.”
“Delivery of Stage 2 of the Warrnambool Line Upgrade has been integrated with the work already underway on Stage 1, with timeframes for both stages adjusted to maximise the benefits of the project as well as deliver efficiencies and minimise disruption to communities and passengers,” Ms Tierney said.
Gayle Tierney – Victorian Member for Western Victoria
Work on Stage 1 of the project is continuing, with signalling upgrades between Waurn Ponds and Warncoort on track to be completed in the coming months.
More than 24 kilometres of signalling cable has already been installed, along with eight kilometres of access tracks along the line.
Due to delays in complex signalling design caused by Coronavirus restrictions, including remote working arrangements and delays in the availability of specialist resources, work to commission the upgrades being delivered as part of Stage 1 will take place mid-to-late next year.
The new crossing loop at Boorcan and a fifth weekday return service between Warrnambool and Melbourne will come into operation following the completion of signalling and commissioning works along the line.
The Warrnambool Line Upgrade is part of the Australian and Victorian governments’ investment of more than $4 billion in Victoria’s regional rail network, which is upgrading every passenger rail line in the state and creating 3,000 jobs.
Friday 17 September 2021 – Media Release
Read the Media Release here.
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